Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (2025)

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Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (2)Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (3)

Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (4)Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (5)

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Current Conditions

Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (6)
Mostly Clear
Updated 5:20 pm
Feels Like 77°F
Humidity 55%
Wind NE 12 mph
Barometer30.05 in
Dew Point 63°F
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (7)
Mostly Clear
Updated 5:20 pm
Feels Like 25°C
Humidity 55%
Wind NE 19 km/h
Barometer101.7 kPa
Dew Point 17°C

WX Settings

°F °C°F °C

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Sun & Moon

Cloud Cover 94%
uv UV Index 2
Sunrise 7:25 AM
Sunset 6:59 PM
Moonrise 3:20 PM
Moonset 12:46 AM

Civil Twilight
6:58 AM to 7:22 AM
6:59 PM to 7:23 PM
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (8)
Waxing Gibbous Moon

Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (9)Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (10)

Orlando, FL Weather Forecast

Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (11)Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (12)

14 day API forecast for Orlando, Florida. Note. The 7-day weather forecast for Orlando, FL is the most reliable and accurate forecast. This model should only be used as a likely scenario. It is difficult to predict weather more than 7 days in advance.

Orlando, FL Weather Forecast Dated: 520 PM Fri Oct 11 2024 (Orlando Time)

Weather Charts Weather Stats

Fri, 11th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (13)

Lo: 20°C69°F
Hi: 26°C79°F

Cloudy Friday, temperatures as high as 79°F26°C, low temperature around 69°F20°C, wind out of the NNE 14 mph22 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.03 in1017 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 82%, uv index 2.
Sat, 12th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (14)

Lo: 20°C69°F
Hi: 27°C81°F

Cloudy Saturday, temperatures as high as 81°F27°C, low temperature around 69°F20°C, wind out of the ENE 7 mph12 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.06 in1018 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 82%, uv index 1.
Sun, 13th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (15)

Lo: 20°C67°F
Hi: 28°C82°F

Partly Cloudy Sunday, temperatures as high as 82°F28°C, low temperature around 67°F20°C, wind out of the NE 10 mph15 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.06 in1018 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 80%, uv index 2.
Mon, 14th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (16)

Lo: 22°C71°F
Hi: 32°C89°F

Sunny Monday, temperatures as high as 89°F32°C, low temperature around 71°F22°C, wind out of the WSW 7 mph11 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.03 in1017 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 70%, uv index 2.
Tue, 15th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (17)

Lo: 21°C69°F
Hi: 31°C88°F

Patchy rain nearby Tuesday, temperatures as high as 88°F31°C, low temperature around 69°F21°C, chance of rain 84%, wind out of the W 9 mph15 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.97 in1015 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 57%.
Wed, 16th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (18)

Lo: 18°C64°F
Hi: 26°C79°F

Sunny Wednesday, temperatures as high as 79°F26°C, low temperature around 64°F18°C, wind out of the NNE 16 mph25 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.06 in1018 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 56%, uv index 6.
Thu, 17th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (19)

Lo: 17°C63°F
Hi: 26°C79°F

Partly Cloudy Thursday, temperatures as high as 79°F26°C, low temperature around 63°F17°C, wind out of the NE 15 mph23 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.15 in1021 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 54%, uv index 6.
Fri, 18th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (20)

Lo: 20°C69°F
Hi: 26°C79°F

Patchy rain nearby Friday, temperatures as high as 79°F26°C, low temperature around 69°F20°C, chance of rain 82%, wind out of the ENE 17 mph27 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.18 in1022 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 65%.
Sat, 19th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (21)

Lo: 21°C71°F
Hi: 29°C84°F

Patchy rain nearby Saturday, temperatures as high as 84°F29°C, low temperature around 71°F21°C, chance of rain 89%, wind out of the ENE 15 mph23 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.12 in1020 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 66%.
Sun, 20th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (22)

Lo: 23°C73°F
Hi: 30°C86°F

Patchy rain nearby Sunday, temperatures as high as 86°F30°C, low temperature around 73°F23°C, chance of rain 82%, wind out of the ENE 12 mph20 km/h. Barometric pressure 30 in1016 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 71%.
Mon, 21st
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (23)

Lo: 23°C73°F
Hi: 30°C86°F

Partly Cloudy Monday, temperatures as high as 86°F30°C, low temperature around 73°F23°C, wind out of the NE 12 mph20 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.94 in1014 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 70%, uv index 7.
Tue, 22nd
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (24)

Lo: 22°C71°F
Hi: 30°C85°F

Partly Cloudy Tuesday, temperatures as high as 85°F30°C, low temperature around 71°F22°C, wind out of the ENE 14 mph23 km/h. Barometric pressure 30 in1016 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 65%, uv index 7.
Wed, 23rd
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (25)

Lo: 23°C74°F
Hi: 28°C83°F

Patchy rain nearby Wednesday, temperatures as high as 83°F28°C, low temperature around 74°F23°C, chance of rain 78%, wind out of the E 17 mph27 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.03 in1017 mb, visibility 6 mi9 km, humidity 68%.
Thu, 24th
Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (26)

Lo: 24°C75°F
Hi: 29°C85°F

Patchy rain nearby Thursday, temperatures as high as 85°F29°C, low temperature around 75°F24°C, chance of rain 82%, wind out of the ESE 15 mph24 km/h. Barometric pressure 30 in1016 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 71%.

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Orlando, Florida 14 Day Local Weather (2025)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6380

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.